Changes in v3.1

See!.aspx for more information on big new features in V3.

Fixed an issue where the impact detection mode was incorrectly defaulting to 'WatchText' when upgrading from v2 to v3.
The correct default is 'CompareIL'.

Fixed NCrunch using the wrong version of MSBuild under VS2017.

Fixed NCrunch searching the wrong places for VS/MSBuild/MSFakes installations under VS2017.

Adjusted the VS2017 integration so that NCrunch will run under .NET 4.6.1 if .NET 4.6.2 is unavailable. This should
solve problems with the engine not enabling correctly on machines without .NET 4.6.2.

Fixed an issue where project settings could be unintentionally transferred to another solution when switching to
another solution with projects under the same relative paths but with no existing settings files.

Fixed an issue where the new 'Project config storage directory' setting was not working when specified with absolute
directory paths.

Fixed a crash issue triggered when an existing solution is opened with NCrunch enabling by default, and the
'ignore tests' option is chosen in the first time crunch wizard.