Changes in v5.8

- RDI popups can no longer be moved outside of the rendering area of the editor.
- The Rider IDE no longer flashes when the corner status window is shown. The reliability of showing the window has also been improved. This should also affect other popup showing logic that wasn't always working consistently.
- Improved the rendering of the distributed processing window on high DPI monitors. Some text boxes were not placed and sized correctly.
- Improved horizontal scrolling rendering for RDI under Rider. The rendering was cut off when scrolling the editor to the right.
- Fixed the Tests Window not rendering correctly when it becomes visible after being hidden under Rider.
- Fixed the position of the tool tips under Rider when they are displayed on a second monitor.
- Fixed the RDI control element size under Rider when Rider is on a monitor with a scaling factor > 100%.
- RDI under Rider now tracks the scaling faactor of the monitor the editor is on and scales the RDI control elements accordingly.
- Improved editor performance under Rider when RDI is enabled. Positions are now more efficiently captured.
- Fixed the Rider corner work flow window being empty after showing multiple windows in quick succession.
- Improved high DPI support for Rider and Visual Studio
- Fixed the font size on the grids for the all the toolwindows
- Fixed the configuration window rendering when it's visibility has changed.
- Fixed the control positioning on the configuration and the tests window.
- Added a check when starting NCrunch under Rider to see if we've got a minimum of Net6 installed. If we don't we inform the user how to install it.
- Added an error message when the NCrunch process suddenly dies under Rider.
- Added a workaround that allows NCrunch to override MSBuild internal properties (such as MSBuildProjectName) when loading projects. This allows us to properly support these properties when they are specified in peripherals such as Directory.Build.targets and Directory.Build.props. It should also give better stability when loading projects in general.
- Improved the presentation of the corner workflow window that is shown above the NCrunch status widget.
- Stopped Rider tool windows from appearing in the ALT-TAB interface.
- Fixed Rider toolwindows breaking when changing from Windowed mode to Floating mode and when showing / hiding a Windowed toolwindow by clicking on the toolwindow button in the main IDE.
- Fixed the rendering of the RDI datapoint search window under Rider, the top label wasn't filling the entire form.
- Improved the creation of the NCrunch menu under Rider and added extra logging. In some cases the NCrunch menu wasn't constructed properly, this should no longer occur if under some situations it still doesn't work submitting a bug report should give us more information about why it happens.
- Fixed the layout of the Processing Queue tool window under Rider.